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The Anatomy of Tobacco

terrors, indeed, does the wretched one endure that it is likely that he vows henceforth a lifelong abstinence and curseth the hour in which he bought this dreadful herb to be a torment both to his spirit and his flesh. All this if he be private, and no one but himself wotteth of it; how much more if he be discovered and perchance rewarded with stripes and disgrace! And to represent this chain of cause and effect more clearly I subjoin the scheme on the following page ad exemplar Dummerkopfii, the which hath met with much approval at the hands of Pipe Philosophers.

Of a verity this initiative demandeth "robur et aes triplex," and it might seem wonderful how, knowing all this, any one can have courage to begin. But the heart of man is a stubborn thing and not to be taken aback, so, in spite of all, the flame is ever kindled anew, and the race of smokers multiplieth exceedingly.

Now this state of sorrow and abasement continues not long, and "mox reficit rates," soon the beginner getteth new