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The Anatomy of Tobacco

which Moncurius completely, logically, and syllogistically proves the absurdity of the Christian religion[1] is yet inclined to doubt the blessedness of living in propinquity to so great a man, must be, in very deed and truth, nought but an ignoramus and blockhead. So that there is not a little to be said for this Moncurian predicament, but as it is but lately promulgated, I am constrained to adhere to the old predicament until such time as the world be dichotomised into—1. Wise men = Dwellers in Bedford Park. 2. Fools = Dwellers in other places.

To pass from the predicaments to other matters, I will first take the doctrine of tubular remembrance, or anamnesis, which, stated briefly, is as follows:—A pipe that has been smoked by any one, (1) in a certain place, (2) at a certain

  1. Thus:"The Story of Alcestis has some faint resemblance to the Belief of Christians.
    No one now believes in the Story of Alcestis.
    Therefore, No one now believes in the Belief of Christians—or, if they do, they ought not to!" And yet there are still some few persons who fail to see anything absurd in Christianity!