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The Anatomy of Tobacco

made known than a storm of rage and indignation against Ænesidemus burst forth in Gotham, and not only was his tub of fumifical philosophy at once declared vacant, but its very bottom was knocked out by the students, by which it became yet more vacant, and wholly unfit for professorial purposes. Ænesidemus was further declared to be tainted with the worst errors of Gulielmus de Læto Lapide, the Pope, and the Caucus; and within a short space of time Gotham knew him no more, save as a Radical and a backslider, who had bitten the bosom that cherished him. And Gotham being a city of full five hundred souls, returning two Conservative members to the Commons' House, and possessing six churches and nine public pumps, besides innumerable private ones, it was universally thought in the town that this verdict would be decisive; but the country at large had lately experienced one of its occasional attacks of madness, and had placed Gulielmus de Læto Lapide at the head of the Government. And he, with