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The Anatomy of Tobacco


"O! cives civitatis
Hujus clarissimæ,
Menoriam pravitatis
Æternam tenete.


"Illius Professoris,
Qui ausit[1] dubitare;
Et est expulsus è foris,
Nec scio cur, nec quare.


"Sed solum hoc scio,—
Qui audet dubitare,
Is expelletur Gothamo
Si absunt cur et quare."

So much for the history of these notable topics of doubt. But if we proceed to examine them critically, notwithstanding the indignation that they aroused, I believe we shall find them more or less reasonable. Being for the most part expressed in clear and precise language,

  1. Hæc vox ausit prava Latinitas tibi esse videatur. Quod ego quoque putabam cum Gothami hoc carmen audiebam, itaque talia cantori cuidam dixi. "Minime" inquit, "nisi magis Catone censore censorius es."