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The Anatomy of Tobacco

Now, to make reference to these four kinds of matter more easy, each hath had a memorial letter assigned to it as follows:—

Necessary Matter Q.
Contingent Necessary Matter U.
Contingent Unnecessary Matter I.
Impossible Matter D.

Which letters being compounded into one word Quid give the whole division of matter; or, as the Schoolmen do name it, the "Quidditas," which Quidditas being subdivided and cut up, appeareth in Synopsis, ut infra.

Q. Necessary Matter  Tobacco.
U. Contingent Necessary Matter  Pipes.
Cigar Tubes.
I. Contingent Unnecessary Matter  Tobacco Pouches. R.
Cigar Cases. O.
Tobacco Jars. T.
D. Impossible Matter  Canes. B.
Brown Paper. O.
Non-nicotinous Herbs. S.
Opium. H.