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The Anatomy of Tobacco

as that part of the stem which is furthest from the bowl, and differs from the stem in matter.
V. Let a lid (operculum) be defined "id quod nonnullo vasi adjungitur, ne tabacus vento dispergatur"—as that which is sometimes affixed to the bowl lest the tobacco be scattered by the wind.
VI. Let a hookah (vox Indica quæ Latiné nominatur "tubulus fumificus aquarius") be defined "tubuli fumifici species quædam, in quâ tabaci fumus per aquam trahitur”—as a certain kind of pipe in which the smoke of tobacco is drawn through water.
VII. Ornament (ornamentum) is said to exist "cum tubulus fumificus, aut in vase, aut in fistulâ, non planam habet superficiem"—when a pipe, be it in the bowl or be it in the stem, hath not a flat surface.
VIII. Essential colour (color nativus) is said to exist "cum facientis per