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The Anatomy of Tobacco

comes the bulb concealed in the earth, which they say is the invisible essence of the pipe; next the stem, which they say is the stem of the pipe; and lastly the blossom, which is the bowl of the pipe. And since there must be a lily stem before there is a lily blossom, so there must have been a pipe stem before there was a pipe bowl. But yet to this rejoin the Cœlosphaerics that by this very example of a lily which they bring forward the Orthopoetics are condemned; for since the bulb of a lily implies necessarily the idea of a blossom, therefore the essence of a pipe implies necessarily the idea of a bowl, and that as without a blossom the lily does not exist, so neither without a bowl is existence possible to a pipe.

But yet another argument of the Orthopoetics I have to lay before thee, and it is this. The Cœlosphaerics define a pipe as an instrument used in smoking tobacco. Let it be granted that the definition is valid, and it shall be proved to the satisfaction of all that the bowl is no essential part of a pipe. For take any