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The Anatomy of Tobacco

difference between them. And on the other hand the Orthopoetics have but to think of the bowl of the Cœlosphaerics as a very short stem, and they will be completely at one. And therefore since by bowl and stem they plainly mean the same thing, by much the more does glory redound to them, who have so completely proved each other's doctrines absurd and monstrous."

So far Spitsbubius, and with his words I deem fit to close the matter, but if any desire to read further let him take Papaverius Donnerblitsius's De Naturâ Fistularum: Exercitationes Fumigabundæ of Spitsbubius, and those excellent Noctes Nebulosæ, or Foggy Nights, of Margites Dummerkopfius, so extolled by Theodorus Wattsius in his Minervic Disputations. For Wattsius sayeth that it is the best done of any book that ever was writ, save only his own sonnet on the "Libellus Lavatorius, or Washerwoman's Account, of a Minor Poet of the Cave-Dwellers," lately brought to light and edited (cum