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Page:The Ancestor Number 1.djvu/210

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THE ANCESTOR uppon the saide coote of crymyson satyn and the said mantel furred with Ix timbr wombes of menyvere pure, and garnyssht with oon unce of ryban of gold of venys by the coler, and laced afore the breste with a long lace of rede sylk, with knopp and tassells of rede sylk and gold. The said surcote cloose gar- nyssht with oon unce of ryband of gold of venys, & furred with xxxi timbres wombes of menyver pure, the color and sieves purfiled with ij ermyn bakks ; the saide hoode furred with ij timbr of ermyn bakks, and ij timbr dl and viii ermyn wombes and a coyfe made of a plyte of lawne to be put on the Kyngs heede after his inunction, and soo to be kept on by viii dayes after the Kyngs coronation. A roobe of purpul velvet, conteignyng vj garnets, that is to wit, a kyrtel maade of vj yerdes dl of purpul velvet, furred with xx tymbr dl of wombes of menyver pure. A taberd maade of iij yerds dl of purpul velvet, furred with xxiij tymber wombes of menyver purr, and the labels of the same taber purfyled with xviij new ermyn bakks. A surcote overt maade of vj yerds dl of purpuU velvette, furred with xx tymbre di oon of ermyne wombes. A mantle with a traague, made of xv yerds of purpul velvett, furred with xxvj tymbr xviij nette ermyne bakks, and powdered with vj" viij* dl of powderings maade of bogy shanks ; a hoode maade of ij yerds of purpuU velvett furred with iij tymbr and xij ermyn bakks, and a cappe of astate maade of half a yerde of purpull velvet and furred by the roll thereof with xvj of newe ermyne bakks, and powdered with c dl of powderings made of bogy shanks, and the sieves of the saide surcote overt furred with ij tymbr dl of wombes -of menyuer pure, and powdered with mmm.dccc. and oon powderings maade of bogy shanks, and the said roobe of purpull velvet enlarged and purfeurmed with ij yerds and iii quarters of velvet purpul, and the furre of the saide roobe purfeurmed with a tymbre of ermyn bakks, and ij tymbr of ermyn wombes, with a mantel lace with knoppes and tassels for the same roobe. A bonnet made of iij quarters of a yerde of purpull velvet, and delivered for the said grete solempnitee of both the Kings and also the Queues mooste noble corona- tion . . . and for the garnysshing of the said roobe of purpull velvett xxvij yerds of ryban of damask golde, weying vij unces, and a grete boton of plate of gold, and a greete tassel of venys gold, weying iij unces ; and for to make with the said roobes oon unce dl of silk and ix lb and ij unces threde of divers colours : and for the cappe of said roobe a roll of pytthes of risshes.^ iij swerdes, whereof oon with a flat poynte called curtana, and ij other swords, all iij swords covered in a yerde di of crymysyn tisshue cloth of gold, and for the tisshues and gyrdles of the same iij swerds, ij yerds of corse wroght with golde, ij paire of longe spurrs all gilt, and for the tisshues of the same a yerde and iij quarters of blue corse with gold, and iij quarters dl of a yerde of crymysyn corse with gold . . . and for the covering and bynding of a sworde in the handell a quarter of a yerde of velvet . . . and for the garnysshing of iiij swerdes iiij chapes of sylvyr and gilt, and xliiij bolyons of silver and gilt weying and the garnysshing of a swerde of silver and gilt weying ij unces di a penny weight.^ Antiquarian Repertory (ed. 1807), i. 37-9. ^ Ihid. i. 40.