i6o THE ANCESTOR ANCESTORS' LETTERS No. I Edward Baildon of London to Robert Baildon of Baildon^ 15^9 RIGHT deare & well beloued in Lord, In moste humble wise I Commende me vnto yow & to my Cozen y"" wife. Trusting in god y* yow & all y""^ be in good health, as I & all mine was att y^ writeing heereof. Very glad was I to vnderstand of my Cozen Perslow his comming downe to yow. Now for Certaine I perswade my selfe to know iustly how y"^ doe, for I thinke my selfe y^ better when I doe heare of yow. My earnest requeste & suite vnto is y' yow would be soe freindly vnto me as to send by my Cozen Perslow y Petigree & ours, & how they haue beene & arr matched, soe farre as yow may, vntill this time. I haue veiwed the Harrolds* booke Concerning this matter, & as yett I cannott finde itt to be any further than from Watter Baildon. If I Could I would haue itt frome y^ first of y^ name vntill this day. I will doe what I Can to bring this to passe. The Harrold of armes will doe whatt he can or may for me, I hope, theirefore I pray yow now putt to y helping hand as mutch as in yow lieth ; then I doubt not but to bring itt to good passe. I hould my selfe to be y"" nearest kinsman, &, although poore, yett I hope to giue honnor & creditt to my house & kindred, rather then otherwise. I speake in the praise of god, & not in pride of my owne flesh. Thus haisted, in y^ Lord I bidd yow farewell, from my poore house in Thold Jury in London, this 26 : of August, 1589. Y"" poor Louing Cozen euer to Command, Edward Baildon. My harty Commendations to my Cozen Willi : Baildon & his wife, & to all my young Cozens wheresoeuer. & if my purse were vnto my hart, yow should all know y' yow had a loveing Cozen southwards ; but y^ will of god must be done. I pray yow to send me word in what Parish y^ house of Baildon is of & in what hundred.
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