Page:The Ancestor Number 1.djvu/331

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THE ANCESTOR 267 Answer (21 Nov. 1645) of William Somers of Staplehurst. Concerning the goods of Jane Somers, widow (late wife of Edward Somers of Staplehurst, co. Kent, and aunt of the complainant Jane August), who died about July last, having been married to the de- fendant after May 1642. In the body of the bill the complainant Jane is styled * only daughter ' of the said Jane Somers, but at the head of the bill the word is altered to * niece.' Ai Answer (25 Jan. 1645) of Peter Apsley, one of the defendants to a Bill of Mary Apsley, widow and extrix. of Arthur Apsley, deceased. Concerning alleged loans by the said Arthur Apsley. The other de- fendants are Edward Apsley and Joan his wife. This defendant denies that the said Arthur, having received of Edward Chittenden, John Chittenden and Thomas Chittenden, or of Edward and Elizabeth Chittenden, their father and mother, 50/. or thereabouts, did entrust the same to this defendant. A^ Bill (27 Jan. 1644) of John Awstin of Cranebrooke, co. Kent, yeoman. Answer (29 April 1645) of Thomas Quilter. Concerning the will of John Quilter, deceased, father of the defendant. The complainant alleges that the defendant, whom he accused of having wasted a great part of his estate, should be forced to give some security for the performance of the said will. William Awstin, who died = Katharine,= John Quilter of Adsam, co. in Feb. 1612, leaving his living 1645 Kent, yeoman. Will dated lands in Rolvenden to his Aug. 1622 son and heir, by a will dated 1612 John Awstin of Cranbrook, yeoman, son and heir. In 1620 he sold the lands in Rolvenden to John Quilter Thomas Quilter, son and heir, the defendant Ay Bill (19 May 1645) of John Armstrong of Bethersden, co. Kent, yeoman. Answer (5 June 1645) of John Dyne of Biddenden, gent., and James Bate- man of Bethersden, clothier. Concerning a purchase of timber trees by the complainant. A^^ Bill (10 Feb. 1643) of Richard Annyon, citizen and cordwainer of London. Demurrer (20 Feb. 1643) of John Sames, William Blythman and John Winch, churchwardens and sidesman of the parish of St. Brides. Concerning disbursements by the complainant, a former churchwarden of St. Brides.