Page:The Ancestor Number 1.djvu/335

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THE ANCESTOR 271 Bill (30 Jan. 1632) of Richard Awstyn of Cookham, co. Berks, yeoman. Answer (2 Feb. 1632) of Rowland Hynde, esq., a defendant. Answer (5 Feb. 1632) of John Austen and Rowland Hedger, two of the defendants. Concerning the lands called Somes, which Robert Prentall of Bisham, yeoman, deceased, held as copyhold of the manor of Cookham. Claim of the complainant as heir of the said Robert Prentall. Prentall= John Prentall = Thomas Prentall only son, attainted and executed for felony during the life of his uncle Robert Thomas Prentall = John Prentall = son and heir Henry Prentall heir of his great-uncle Robert. Died s.p. Robert Prentall of Bis- ham, yeoman. Died s.p. John Awstyn = Joan Richard Awstyn the compt. son and heir Agig- Bill (12 May 1632) of John Ambrose of Lowicke, co. Lane, esquire, and Anne his wife. Answer (6 Oct. 1632) of George Browne of Trowtbeck, co. Lane, yeoman. Claim to a share of the personal estate of Elizabeth Rawlinson, widow, deceased, of which the defendant was administrator. Robert Rawlinson= Elizabeth relict /ho made a will was of Grys- dale, CO. Lane. Died 1627 John Rawlinson Robert Rawlinson: admor. of his goods granted to his relict

Anne =

the compt. =John Ambrose esquire Anne Susan wife of George Browne the defendant Ellen A 2V ^ill J^'^^ 1 641) of Grace Abbot, widow, late the wife of Abraham Abbot of Hawkeden, co. Suffolk, gent., deceased, and William Everard of Hawkeden, yeoman, her servant. Answer (20 Oct. 1641) of John Halls, Robert Halls and John Halls. Concerning a claim to the rents of a messuage and lands called Lynnes in Poslingford, co. Suffolk, during the minority of Robert Halls, the devisee under the will of Thomas Goulding, deceased. S