Page:The Ancestor Number 1.djvu/355

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The Stall Plates of the Knights of the Order of the Garter 1 348-1485 Consisting of a Series of 9 1 Full-sized Coloured Facsimiles with Descriptive Notes and Historical Introductions by W. H. ST. JOHN HOPE, M.A., F.S.A. Dedicated by gracious privilege during her lifetime to Her Late Majesty QUEEN VICTORIA, Sovereign of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. T^he edition is strictly limited and only 500 copies of the work have been printed. The object of the work is to illustrate the whole of the earlier Stall Plates, being the remaining memorials of the four- teenth and fifteenth century of Knights elected under the Plantagenet Sovereigns from Edward the Third, Founder of the Order, to Richard the Third, inclusive, together with three palimpsest plates and one of later date. The Stall Plates are represented full-size and in colours on Japan vellum, in exact facsimile of the originals, in the highest style of chromolithography, from photographs of the plates themselves. Each plate is accompanied by descriptive and explanatory notes, and the original and general characteristics of the Stall Plates are fully dealt with in an historical introduction. There are also included numerous seals of the Knights, repro- duced by photography from casts specially taken for this work. The work may be obtained bound in half leather, gilt, price {fi net ; or the plates and sheets loose in a portfolio,

/^5 lOJ. net ; or without binding or portfolio, ^£5 net.

ATHElStMVM : * It is pleasant to welcome the first part of a long promised and most important heraldic work, and to find nothing to say of it which is not commendatory. The present part contains ten coloured facsimiles out of the ninety plates which the work will include when completed. They reflect the greatest credit on all concerned in their production.' MORNING POST : * There is a fine field for antiquarian research in the splendid collection of heraldic plates attached to the stalls in the choir of St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, and it will be a matter of satisfaction to all who are interested in old memorials that Mr. W. H. St. John Hope has given close examination to these ancient insignia and now presents the results of his investigations, with many reproductions.' ARCHIBALD CONSTABLE &f CO Ltd 2 WHITEHALL GARDENS WESTMINSTER