Page:The Ancestor Number 1.djvu/360

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CONSTABLE'S Illustrated Edition of The Works of William Shakespeare In 20 Imperial i6mo Volumes with coloured Title Page and end papers designed by Lewis F. Day, and a specially designed Coloured Illustration to each Play, the artists being : L. Leslie Brooke, Byam Shaw, Henry J. Ford, G. P. Jacomb Hood, W. D. Eden, Estelle Nathan, Eleanor F. Brickdale, Patten Wilson, Robert Sauber, John D. Batten, Gerald Moira, and Frank C. Cowper. The Title Page and Illustrations printed on Japanese vellum. Cloth gilt extra, gilt top, gilt back with headband and book- marker, 2J. 6d, net each volume. Each volume sold separately Price per set of 20 volumes, £,2 los, net. ATHENjEUM : 'Well produced, the convenience and comfort of the reader having been fully considered.' PALL MALL GAZETTE : * Beautifully printed in bold sizeable type upon good paper, and bound in handsome dark red cloth.' BOSWELL'S LIFE OF JOHNSON Edited by AUGUSTINE BIRRELL and Illustrated with 100 Portraits selected by Ernest Radford. 6 Vols. Red buckram, label, gilt top, 36J. net. Sold in Sets only. This Edition is limited to 700 copies for sale in this country. TIMES : * The distinctive feature is the series of portraits of the actors on Boswell's stage. Of these there are loo, carefully selected by Mr. Ernest Radford, who writes an excel- lent introduction to explain his method of selection. The portraits have been well reproduced, and their tone is generally soft and pleasing.' DAILT CHRONICLE : * The whole of his (Mr. Birrell's) appreciation of the book's value and its causes — the size (" it is a big book "), Boswell's perfection of method, his genius for portraiture, his immense pains, his freedom and glorious intrepidity — all this is excellently done, with due brevity and orderliness. . . . The Edition is supplied with a series of portraits, about sixteen to each volume. They have been carefully selected by Mr. Ernest Radford, Mr. Birrell's colleague, we believe, in the first volume of Obiter Dicta. He writes a Preface giving an account of his selection, and a history of many of the portraits. The volume is light, well bound, and altogether satisfactory.' ARCHIBALD CONSTABLE ^ CO Ltd 2 WHITEHALL GARDENS WESTMINSTER