Page:The Ancestor Number 1.djvu/71

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THE ANCESTOR 33 Constantinople, par Liotard 1 740 ' ; there are also several very- fine enamels of him in later life by the same artist. We now come to that most delightful period of miniature painting — the latter half of the eighteenth century. The dress and coiffure of that day were particularly picturesque, and lent themselves well to the art ; while a host of miniature painters inspired by Reynolds and Gainsborough were hard at work, delineating for posterity the most dis- tinguished men and women of the day. Mary Isabella, wife of the fourth Duke of Rutland and daughter of the fourth Duke of Beaufort, a miniature of bewitching beauty by Andrew Plimer, has the hair arranged in long uncon- fined tresses ; through the clustering curls on the fore- head is twisted * Romney-wise * a white gauze scarf. This lady was the friendly rival of Georgina Duchess of Devon- shire, and considered the most beautiful woman of her day. Her husband, Charles fourth Duke of Rutland and Lord- Lieutenant of Ireland, by R. Cosway, is an extremely fine work, and disproves the statement that the great master was less successful with men than women. But loveliest and most attractive of all, and not unworthy to rank as one of his finest works, is the portrait of their young son, afterwards John Henry fifth Duke of Rutland ; the expression of the face is charming, the drawing of the intricate white lace ruffle is remarkable for its subtlety and grace, while the technique of the hair is marvellous in its freedom and surety of touch. Among other family portraits by Cosway are Anne Countess of Northampton, a delightful sketch of an unknown lady reclining in bed, and a fine miniature of the gallant sailor. Lord Robert Manners, killed at the early age of twenty-four from wounds received in action when in command of the Resolution under Admiral Rodney in 1782. The poet Crabbe thus refers to his death in the poem, ^The Village.'

  • Oh ! be like him,' the weeping sire shall say ;
  • Like Manners walk, who walk'd in Honour's way ;

In danger foremost, yet in death sedate. Oh ! be like him in all things, but his fate ! ' John Nixon contributes a fine miniature, signed with the initial N., of Mary Isabella Duchess of Rutland ; Ozias Humphrey, a portrait of the Duchess's sister, Anne Countess of Northampton, signed with the monogram (h), exquisite