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Page:The Ancestor Number 1.djvu/75

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of Rutland; William Derby, a painstaking copy of Sir Joshua Reynold's portrait of the famous Marquis of Granby; and Anthony Stewart (who painted the first miniature of Queen Victoria), portraits of John Henry fifth Duke of Rutland, his wife and their numerous family. Lord John Manners (seventh Duke of Rutland), Lord George Manners, Lady Elizabeth Drummond, Lady Adeliza and Lady Katharine Manners. There is a great similarity between the children's portraits, and alas! already the flesh tints have slightly faded, although the miniatures have been carefully preserved from sunlight and damp. The above notes do not attempt to be an exhaustive description of the collection. To describe each portrait minutely would surpass the limits of this article; but in conclusion we cannot help urging on those who are the fortunate possessors of 'pictures in little' to increase their number by having their own portraits painted (with the name of the sitter and artist engraved on the frame, saving posterity many an anxious hour of doubt and conjecture!) By this means they would contribute largely to the Renaissance of this charming art, which of late years has been suffered to fall into such ill-deserved neglect and decay.

Note by Sir H. Maxwell-Lyte.

In the Belvoir Household Accounts are the following entries which are interesting as bearing on some of the miniatures in the Duke's collection:

1586. The 21 ;;of May, paied to Peter Vanlour for a brooch of her Majesties picture in an aggatt sett with 53 diamondes, 80l. (He occurs as a jeweller in the Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, for 1594.)

1603. June or July. To Hyldlard for a picture of the Kinges Majestie, 3l.

1599. Paied for two pictures of my Lord to Mr. Peak, the one for my Lady, the other for Mrs. Mary Ratcliff, 6l.

1599. For my Ladies picture to Mr. Peake, 5l.