Page:The Ancestor Number 1.djvu/9

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THE ANCESTOR A Quarterly Review of County and Family History, Heraldry and Antiquities ^ Number I APRIL 1902 The Copyright of all the Articles and Illustrations in this Review is strictly reserved CONTENTS PAGE SOME ANECDOTES OF THE HARRIS FAMILY {Illustrated) By The Earl of Malmesbury ............. I THE MINIATURES AT BELVOIR {Illustrated) . By Lady Victoria Manners 28 HERALDRY REVIVED {Illustrated) ... By Oswald Barron, F.S.A 36 THE ENGLISH GENTLEMAN . . By Sir George R. Sitwell, Bt., F.S.A 58 HERALDIC GLASS FROM LYTES CARY, Co. Somerset {Illustrated) By Sir H. Maxwell-Lytk, K.C.B 104 PEERAGE CASES . . . By W. A. Lindsay, K.C. (Windsor Herald) 112 THE ORIGIN OF THE FITZGERALDS ... By J. Horace Round 119 THE KING'S CORONATION ORNAMENTS {Illus.) By W. H. St. John Hope 127 ANCESTORS' LETTERS No i . . . . By W. Paley Baildon, F.S.A 160 THE GROSVENOR MYTH By W. H. B. Bird 166 AN 'AUTHORITATIVE' ANCESTOR ... By J. Horace Round 189 REVIEWS : The Gresleys of Drakeiowe ..... By J. Horace Round 195 The House of Douglas By Sir George Douglas, Bt. 203 Popular Heraldry — Book Making ... By Oswald Barron, F.S.A 207 The Stewarts By J. Horace Round 218 The Coronation : Three books, and a protest . By L. G. Wickham Legg 220 WHAT IS BELIEVED 226 FAMILY HISTORY FROM THE PUBLIC RECORDS 243 FAMILY HISTORY FROM PRIVATE MSS 258 A FAMILY OF SOLDIERS facing 264 A GENEALOGIST'S KALENDAR . . . 265 EDITORIAL NOTES 278 ARCHIBALD CONSTABLE & CO LTD 2 WHITEHALL GARDENS WESTMINSTER S.W