Page:The Ancient Science of Numbers by Luo Clement (1908).pdf/105

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If one is ill, and in search of better health, it is not well to put that person into an octave by beginning the new name with the BIRTH letter. For example, if one is in 8 in birth, the new name should not begin with “H.” Either “B” or “D” would bring more satisfactory results.

Those in the Triad of 1–5–7 should make no new business deals on the 3rd of the month.

A 5 through 14 is active, energetic, vital, physical, and material. Such a person can usually operate machinery successfully. A 5 through 23 is the home-lover, and is interested in things on the spiritual plan. It has more of the qualities of an 8 than of a 5. A 5 through 32 should make a successful surgeon. Many 5s in a name make a hard and faithful worker, but they are not conducive to either health or happiness. “E,” the 5