Page:The Ancient Science of Numbers by Luo Clement (1908).pdf/11

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never operates in the affairs of men except by means of laws that are within the scope of human comprehension. It may be possible that—owing to our own ignorance—the secret of the law has not yet been discovered, but it is pretty safe to predict that, were this law understood, we should find that all its operations were along perfectly natural grooves.

Thus, it was not many years ago that science made the discovery of man’s duality of mind, and yet, to-day, the fact of the existence of a subconscious as well as a conscious sense is generally regarded as a well-established conclusion. Because we were once unable to fathom this mystery of the dual consciousness, we supposed that the mind of man was capable of but one method of manifestation. This supposition, however, did not make this circumstance a fact. This duality of mind was there, although we could not see it. It was because of our ignorance that we were blind to its existence.