Page:The Ancient Science of Numbers by Luo Clement (1908).pdf/110

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GEORGE Washington: Name, 39, or 3. Birth, 22, or 4, (22 Feb. 1732).

The birth number, 22, would make one firm and fixed In his opinions, strong in his friendships, and square in his dealings with men. The Name, 3, is universal in its nature, and would aim to do a work for the general good, although, owing to the effects of discordant vibrations, such work would not be particularly spiritual in its character. Of course, as may be seen, the two numbers, 3 and 4, are in strong opposition, and yet the effect of this condition would not be entirely unfortunate. Thus, for example, the 4 would keep the 3 from scattering, and would check the tendency to unseemly flights towards the clouds. Such a person would be a worker, not a dreamer. At the same time, the “Gs” would give a strongly philosophical turn to the mind, especially in the acceptance of whatever might come with perfect equinimity, while