Page:The Ancient Science of Numbers by Luo Clement (1908).pdf/119

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ability; strong intuitional force; great intellectuality; powerful imagination. The name number—1 through 28—while not in harmony, tended—as in the case of so many great men—to produce a character of tremendous force along particular lines. The Cornerstone, “A” (1), being in harmony with the name number, emphasized its characteristics, as it, too, stands for intellectuality, and for originality in beginnings. It will be noticed that, taking the letters separately. “L,” “F,” and “R” are all In harmony with the birth, while “A” and “E” are in harmony with the name. The remaining letter, “D,” would have the effect of producing poise and equilibrium, when appearing as the Capstone. Thus, it was at the beginning of the first Cycle of “F” that his literary career began, and it was in the second “F” Cycle that he was raised to the peerage. The “R” in the name is especially conducive to the literary ability. The “E” inspires love of humanity, lean-