Page:The Ancient Science of Numbers by Luo Clement (1908).pdf/47

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In selecting the place in which to wear the life color, however, it is best to bring it as close to the spot affected by the BIRTH NUMBER, or Triad, as may be possible under the circumstances. Thus, (1) a person in harmony with the Triad of 1–5–7 should wear the color on the upper part of the body, near the head, the stomach, or the heart, as the individual BIRTH NUMBER may suggest; (2) one in the Triad of 2–4–8 should wear it near the abdominal regions, that it may affect the kidneys, the intestines, or the generative organs; (3) a 3 may wear it near the liver, but as 6 and 9 afflict the mental and nervous organisms, other persons in the Triad of 3–6–9, are not so arbitrarily confined to any particular portion of the body. As the result, many 6s and 9s wear their life colors in the form of jewelry, or as rings, bracelets, chains, necklaces, garters, etc.

In some instances, both the number and the letter possess distinctive colors,