Page:The Ancient Science of Numbers by Luo Clement (1908).pdf/68

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artistic temperament; may be musical, and is intuitional in arriving at conclusions. As it is one of the intellectual numbers, it is frequently found in the names of writers. Under discordant conditions, many of these qualities are changed. The imaginative quality that once jumped at conclusions, now magnifies things unreasonably, borrowing trouble, and worrying over circumstances that exist largely, if not altogether in the mind of the individual. In other words, the power of intuition now becomes an unreasonable dread of impending calamity, and as the result, alternate attacks of mental exhilaration and depression usually follow. Under harmonious vibrations a 6 would make a good organizer, especially of social and ethical movements. For its own good, however, it must adhere closely to all the laws of the higher life; must abstain from alcoholic beverages, and must neither speculate in stocks or gamble.