Page:The Ancient Science of Numbers by Luo Clement (1908).pdf/71

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fidences of friends, it is so sufficient unto itself that it is seldom dependent upon other individuals for its happiness, finding easy contentment in solitude. While an 8 is liable to live introspectively, it usually tries to deal justly with all men, and, if under genuinely harmonious conditions, it will take great interest in work for humanity. When in discord, pronounced selfishness and extreme egotism may be developed. An “H” can frequently develop the powers of research, or invention, especially along mineral lines. If spiritually inclined, will probably take extreme positions in religious opinion, and yet, while not easily convinced of error, or quickly persuaded to change an opinion that has been accepted, such a person is seldom aggressive, or strong in contention, being more inclined to follow the line of least resistance. A lover of nature, music, and artistic things, an 8 might easily become a writer, an artist, or a musician. In spite of its generally happy