Page:The Ancient Science of Numbers by Luo Clement (1908).pdf/77

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trol of this letter cannot afford to offend against any law—either the law of man or the law of God. He must think pure thoughts. He must be just and honest in all his dealings with men, for, though of strong will, the penalties that will be certain to follow any violation of the law of love cannot be evaded. When under free rein, “K” indicates versatility, and capability in many fields of endeavor. If restrained, however, it stands for small attainment. A “K,” for self preservation, should neither gamble, nor drink intoxicating liquors.

L, or 30. “L” has many of the spiritual characteristics of “C,” but, in the material sense, there is a difference, for, while “C” scatters, “L” not only gathers, but retains a reasonable portion of the things that it accumulates. Also, in other respects it holds the power of bringing to completion the things that are merely under process of organization