Page:The Ancient Science of Numbers by Luo Clement (1908).pdf/79

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M, or 40. The “M” spiritualizes the attributes of “D,” being the strongest vibration in the Triad of 2–4–8. It is so full of life, strength, and integrity that it is both a creative and a productive number. It deals justly with everybody, but while firm for the right, it will not become aggressive under wrong. In other words, instead of fighting, a 40 will urge arbitration as a means of adjusting difficulties. As the result, “M” cannot be a leader. It will serve faithfully and honestly, but its greatest success comes from executing plans made by others. It sometimes shows some originality, especially when it becomes a worker of the soil, but its strongest quality is spirituality. Under proper vibrations it may develop remarkable psychic gifts, and there is no letter that will bear a cross so bravely, or with so little complaint. Thus, when out of harmony, “M” will bring many burdens into the life.