8. They say that the seven tribes arrived first at Tulan, and we the warriors followed, having taken up the tributes of all the seven tribes when the gate of Tulan was opened.
9. The Tzutuhils were the first of the seven tribes who finished coming to Tulan, and then we the warriors came, as they say. Then it was said to our fathers and mothers, then we were commanded: "Oh, you, you my daughters, you my sons, I shall give you your riches, your majesty, I shall give you your distinction, your sovereignty, your canopy, your royal throne; because you have carried the rounded shield as your riches, the bow, the buckler, the feathers, the war paint. If you have paid as tribute jade, silver, feather stuffs, if you have paid articles painted, articles sculptured, astrological calendars, reckoning calendars, flute songs, songs hated of you because the seven tribes paid this tribute, yet you shall in turn take it, you shall receive more than others, you shall lift up your face. I shall not give you their sovereignty, of which you have borne the burden; truly their fortune is great; do not hate them; also do you be great, with wealth of rounded shields. Sleep not, sit not, my daughters, my sons, I will give you the power, to you the seven rulers, in equal shares, and your bows, your bucklers, your majesty, your power, your sovereignty, your canopy, your royal seat; these are your first treasures." Thus it was spoken to the Quiche men, when the thirteen divisions of warriors arrived at Tulan. And first came the Quiche men; they acquitted themselves of their tribute in the first month; then arrived their companions one after another, by their families, their clans, their tribes, their divisions, in sequence, and the warriors, until the whole of them had finished arriving in Tulan.
10. Those of Rabinal came, the Zotzil men came, the Tukuchee came, the Tuhalahay, the Vuchabahay, the Ahqhumilahay, the Lamagi came, the Cumatz, the men