Page:The Annual Register 1899.djvu/460

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22. Mr. A. J. Balfour, in reply to an influential deputation represent- ing the Royal Geographical and other societies, held out the hope that the Government would contribute liberally towards the cost of an Antarctic exploring expedition.

— The Tsung-li-Yamen, after nearly a fortnight's delay, refused positively to accede to the British demand for the removal of the Kwei- chau, who had taken no steps to arrest the murderers of the missionary, Mr. Fleming.

23. The election for East Edinburgh, consequent on the death of Dr. Wallace (R.), resulted in the return of Mr. G. Macrae (R.) by 4,891 votes against 2,961 polled by Mr. H. G. Younger (L.U.).

— The Prince of Wales laid the foundation stone of the new build- ings of the Royal School of Art Needlework at South Kensington.

— The Indian Currency Commission reported almost unanimously in favour of the maintenance of the 16d. rupee, and of a gold currency with gold as legal tender.

24. The annual match between Eton and Winchester played at Eton, resulted in the victory of Eton by one wicket. Scores :—

WINCHESTER. First Innings. Mr. R. S. Darling (capt.), l.-b.-w., b. Martin

Mr. M. Bonham-Carter, b. Bernard .

Mr. H. G. McDonell, b. Bernard

Mr. S. N. Mackenzie, b. Lyttelton .

Mr. A. 0. PawBon, o. and b. Bernard

Mr. R. W. Awdry, e. Denison, b. Bernard

Mr. R. G. Pidcock, at. Findlay, b. Martin

Mr. P. W. Comber, b. Bernard .

Mr. F. D. H. Joy, b. Bernard .

Mr. K. O. Hunter, b. Lyttelton .

Mr. G. J. Bruce, not out ....

Second Innings, o. Howard Smith, b. Ber-

Byes, 1; l.-b., 4; w., 2; n.-b., 2


ETON First Innings. Mr. H. K. Longman, c. Pidcock, b. Bruce Mr. E. B. Denison, c. and b. Hunter Mr. D. J. Oassavetti, c. Pidcock, b. Hunter Mr. J. Wormald, c. Hunter, b. Bruce Mr. O. C. S. Gilliat, c. Darling, b. Joy Mr. G. E. Lambert, c. Bonham-Carter, b


Mr. G. Howard Smith, c. Hunter, b. Joy Mr. W. Findlay (capt.), b. Darling . Mr. E. G. Martin, not out .

Hon. J. G. Lyttelton, b. Hunter Mr. A. G. Bernard, b. Bruce

Byes, 18; l.-b., 1; w., 2; n.-b., 1

nard .... 65

1 c. Bernard ... 2 8 b. Martin .... 4

57 c. Findlay, b. Martin .

21 c. and b. Bernard . . 18

4 b. Martin .... 3 12 b. Martin ... 26

8 c. Gilliat, b. Martin . 40

2 c. Denison, b. Bernard . 6 1 not out .... 6

12 b. Martin ... 40 Byes, 4; l.-b., 1; w., 3;

9 n.-b., 2 ... 10

135 Total ... 220

Second Innings.

8 c. Bruce, b. Hunter . 18-

24 b. Bruce .... 21

18 c. Hunter, b. Joy . . T

40 c. Awdry, b. Hunter . 14

52 b. Bruce .... 34

13 c. Comber, b. Darling . 1

5 c. Hunter, b. Joy . . 2 1 c. Bruce, b. Joy . . 5- 8 o. Bonham-Carter, b. Hun- ter .... 2S

8 not out .... 13

not out .... 1

22 Byes, 14; l.-b., 12; w., 2 28

Total .... 189 Total ... 167

— The Prince and Princess of Wales laid the foundation stone of

the new central buildings of the Post Office Savings Bank at West
