Page:The Annual Register 1899.djvu/463

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3. At St. Petersburg a delegation composed of men of high standing and reputation in various European countries, made fruitless efforts to present to the Czar a petition bearing upwards of 800 signatures of distinguished men from all parts of Europe, praying for consideration of the Finlanders' petition.

4. The members of the Peace Congress at the Hague attended a meeting held at Leyden, when an American tribute was paid to the memory of Grotius.

— At Honley, near Hudderefield, an explosion at the gas-works caused the death of four men, and severe injury to a fifth.

— The French Chambers adjourned after a stormy meeting in the Chamber of Deputies.

— In the Belgian Chamber of Representatives the Government proposed that the Franchise Bill should be referred to a committee of twenty-one members, composed of all parties. This was assented to without opposition.

5. The election for the Osgoldcross Division of the West Riding, consequent upon the resignation of Sir John Austin (L.), resulted in his re-election by 5,818 votes against 2,873 polled by Mr. Roberts (L.), who stood mainly on the Local Option question.

— Mr. Hofmeyr, the leader of the Afrikander party at the Cape, met President Eruger at Pretoria, and discussed the franchise question with the Transvaal executive.

— The university match ended in a draw. The score was :—

OXFORD. First Innings. Mr. H. 0. Pilkington, o. Taylor, b. Jessop Mr. F. H. B. Champain (capt.), o. Haw- kins, b. Jessop .... Mr. L. P. Collins, b. Hind . Mr. R E. Foster, c. Jessop, b. Wilson Mr. F. P. Knox, b. Hind . Mr. A. Eocles, o. Hind, b. Wilson Mr. A. M. Hollins, b. Hind Mr. R. H. de Montmorency, b. Hawkins Mr. B. J. T. Bosanquet, c. Jessop, b. Wilson Mr. H. Martyn, c. Moon, b. Hawkins Mr. F. W. Stocks, not out .

Byes, 6 ; w., 1 ; n.-b., 6

Second Innings.

c. Taylor, b. Hawkins



o. Wilson, b. Hind .



l.-b.-w., b. Wilson .



l.-b.-w., b. Penn



not out .



b. Hind .



b. Jessop .



b. Hawkins



run out .


27 4

not out .


Byes, 13; l.-b., 1; w.


2; n.-b., 7 . .


Total 192

  • Innings declared closed.

CAMBRIDGE. First Innings. Mr. L. J. Moon, b. Bosanquet ... 28 Mr. £. R. Wilson, b. Bosanquet . . 5 Mr. G. E. Winter, b. Bosanquet . . 16 Mr. J. H. Stogdon, l.-b.-w., b. Bosanquet . 27 Mr. G. L. Jessop, c. Martyn, b. Knox . 8 Mr. T. L. Taylor, c. and b. Bosanquet . 2 Mr. S. H. Day, b. Bosanquet ... 62 Mr. J. Daniell, st. Martyn, b. Knox . 1

Mr. E. F. Penn, o. Foster, b. Montmorency 18 Mr. A. E. Hind, not out . . .52

Mr. H. H. B. Hawkins, b. Bosanquet . 5

Byes, 19; w., 3 22 Bye

Total . *847

Second Innings,

l.-b.-w., b. Knox . 18

o. Stocks, b. Bosanquet . 89

b. Montmorency . . 25

c. Champain, b. Knox 46 not out .... 52 not out .... 50

Total 241

Total (4 wickets) 229