LITERATURE, continued.
Williamson, Dr. G. ft, "Bernardino Luini," 92 Yarn all, Mr. E., "Wordsworth and the CJoleridges," 88. Yeats, Mr. W. B., "The Wind among the Reeds," 78; "Poems," 78
Llewellyn, Mr. E., bequeaths money to the poor, 5
Lord Mayor of London, appeal for a sub- scription for the sufferers in the West Indies, 50; election, 59; procession, 68 ; his proposal on providing a regi- ment, 75
Lucania reaches New York in safety, 8
LUXEMBOURG, GRAND DUCHY OF.— Reforms, domestic, [325]
Macdonald, Col. H., presented with a
sword of honour, 26 MALTA. — American troops at, 14. Post- age, adopts the penny, 18 Manoeuvres, naval, 47 ; volunteers, 20 MARRIAGES.— Crewe, Earl of, 28; Or- leans, Prince Jean d', 66; Orleans, Princesse Isabelle d', 66; Primrose, Lady Peggy, 28 Martin's, St., Townhall, meeting at, 17 Mat Day labour celebrations, 24. Mayors, election of, 68 Meteors, Leonid, seen in small numbers,
69 MEXICO. —Eabthquakb,[896]. Revenue,
[396]. Trade, [396] Monuments unveiled, Copenhagen, 56;
Prussian Guards, St Privat, 51 MUSIC. —Retrospect of :— Chamber Music, 125 Choral Concerts, 123 Crystal Palace Concerts, 124 Festivals, 122
Opera, Grand, 125 ; light, 126 Orchestral Concerts, 125 Philharmonic Society, 124 Promenade Concerts, 123 Richtbr Concerts, 125 Symphony Concerts, 123 Wagner Concerts, 124
NETHERLANDS, THE. — Amsterdam, Hilversum, rioting, 52. Hague, Peace Congress at the, [326]-[329] ; meeting, 54. Social democrats, meeting, [3261 States-General, reassembling, [3261 Toekob Oemar, Atchinese chief, killed, 10. Workmen's Iusurance Bill [325].
NEW SOUTH WALES. — Beauchamp, Earl. Governor, [406]. Budget [407]. Commonwealth Bill, [407], 49. Drought, [4061 Federal Bill, [405], 13. 23, 35. Federal Enabling Bill, 4051 KOSCIUSKO, Mount, observatory established, [408]. Ministry, resig- nation, [407], 56 ; the new, [407], 56. Moran, Card., on the Samoan Islands,
- 4061. Population, [4081 Revenub.
|407' . Voluntbbrs for South Africa, 407' , 62, 74. Want, Mr. , resignation, [406 . Wine duties, protests against, U06 . 22
NEW ZEALAND. — Austrian irami. grants, [414]. Budget, [414]. Elec- tions, general, [414]. Federation
NEW ZEALAND, conHiiued.
question, [413]. 6u> Age Pensions Bill, result, [4141 Parliament opened, [414]. Revenue. [414]. Stoot, Sir R. appointed Chief Justice, [415]. Voldntbbrs for South Africa,
t 416 l NEWFOUNDLAND. - Bait Act, [395].
Budget, [3951. French shore rights
question, 2. MORINE, M., resignation,
P95]. Seal ashery, [395]
Northcotb. Sir H. S., appointed Governor of Bombay, 65
NORWAY. — Budget, [349]. Election programme, [3501 Flag question [348]. Stang, M., on the Union question, [347]. Storthing, reassem- bled, [847], [349]
, King of, on the flag question, [349],
63 ; at Haplund, [349]
OBITUARY. — Abdul-lahi, The Khalifa, 174; Abdy, J. T., 168; Achenbach, H. von, 159 ; Acworth, Rev. W., 129 ; Addy, Col. J., 178 ; Akers, Very Rev, Canon O., 164; Aldworth, Col. R., 166; Aldworth, Col. R. W.. 136; Alexander, Major-Gen. Sir ft, 153; Alexander, Major-Gen. W. R. A., 131;" Allen, O., 172; Alleyne, Major-Gen. Sir J., 148 ; Andrewes, Col. W. G., 129 ; Annenkoff, M. N., 130 ; Anson, Rev. T. A., 170 ; Antelme, The Hon. Sir C. A., 156 ; Antrobus, Sir E., 146 ; Anzino, Mons. V., 141 ; Appleton, W. H., 172 ; Arbuthnot, Gen. ft G., 147 ; Ardagh, Gen. R. D., 148 ; Armitage, B., 183 ; Armstrong, Sir A., 158 ; Arm- strong, Rev. Sir E. F., 151 ; Armytage, Sir G., 141 ; Arran, Dow. Countess of, 148; Ascroft, R., 166; Ashburnham, Sir A., 182; Athlumney, Lady, 129; Austen-Leigh, ft, 171; Averoflf or Avyheris, G. , 160 Baillie, E., 138; Baillie, R., 146; Bamberger, L., 142; Baring-Gould, Rev. A., 168; Barnes, Major-Gen. J. W., 147; Barnes, W.,- 143; Bassett, F., 156 ; Bates, Sir E. P., 186; Bates, H., 132; Bausa, Card., 147; Baynes, ft R., 139; Beaufort, Duke of, 146; Beck, T., 167 ; Beechey, Rev. Canon St. V., 164; Berkeley, Baroness, 183; Berry, Rev. C. A., 132 ; Berthou, Rev. E. L., 173; Bertrand, E., 186; Bing- ham, Gen. G. W. P., 143; Binns, Sir H., 155; Blackhall, Rev. 3., 177; Blackburn, Rev. R, 130; Blaikie, Rev, W. G., 155; Blair, J. L, 183; Blake, H. W., 157 ; Blanco, Gen. A, G„ 160 ; Bland, R. P., 166 ; Blom- field, Sir A. W., 173; Blumencom, L. von, 157 ; Blunt, Rev. H. G. S., 143 ; Bolingbroke and St. John, Viscount, 176 ; Bonaparte. C. N., 137 ; Bonheur, M. R., 153; Borlase, W. ft, 144; Boudier, Rev. J. G., 184; Bourke, Hon. ft F., 146 ; Bowen, Rt. Hon. Sir G., 135 ; Bowen, Maior-Geu. W. T., 168; Bowron, 8ur. -Major J., 141; Boyd, Very Rev. A. K. H., 140; Boyle, Major-Gen. R., 174 ; Boynton,
Sir H. S., 146; Bradshaw, ViceAdm.