Page:The Annual Register 1899.djvu/660

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PARLIAMENTARY SPEECHES, cant. ' borne, Earl of, [142], [1641; Whiteley,

Mr. G., [130] Transvaal question, Balfour, Mr. A.

.1., [205], [213]; Campbell-Bannerman, Sir H., [2051; Chamberlain, Mr., [103], [113], [1481, [149], [150], [152], [209]- [212]; Clarke, Sir E., [212]; Courtney,

Mr. L., [213]; Dilke, Sir C, [206]; Dillon, Mr., [206]; Elliot, Mr. A., [2071; Haldane, Mr. J212]; Harcourt, Sir W., [207H209]; Kimberley, Lord, [203]; Loch, Lord, [204]; Morley, Mr. J., [213]; Salisbury, Lord, [203]; Stanhope, Mr. P., [2061 War, preparations for, Wyndham, Mr., [214H216], 64

expenses of the, Hicks-Beach, Sir

M.,[216] Youthful Offenders Bill, James, Lord, of Hereford, [125]

Parr' 6 Bank, notes stolen, 5

Peace proposals, [13], see Conference

Peel, Lord, withdraws from the Royal Commission on the Liquor Laws, [104], 22

Sir R., permission to sell heir- looms, 72

Peerage conferred, Pauncefote, Sir J., 47

Penzance, Lord, Judge of the Court of Arches, resignation, 13

PERSIA.— Bushire, riots, 45. Kaeojji, Armenians, outbreak against, 56

PHILIPPINE ISLANDS.— Aquinaldo's force scattered, 23. Iloilo taken, 9. Lawton, Gen., expedition, [388], 22; killed, [389], 74. Luna, Gen., assas ainated, 32. Tarlac captured, [389" 68. United States, war with, [388" 3, 5, 8, 9, 11, 15, 18, 19, 27. 35, Sff, 4f 51, 59

Pjlchbr, Mr. P., his death whilst prac- tising his flying machine, 60

Plague, bubonic, cases of, Asuncion, Paraguay, 57; Magude, 56; Mecca pilgrims, 14; New Caledonia, 76; Oporto, 50, 52; Santos, 63; Transvaal, 10

Planet, discovery of a new, 3

Police, Chief Commissioner of, his attempt to lessen obstruction in the streets, 9

POLITICAL SPEECHES.— Asquith, Mr., at Louth, [5]; Leven, [184]; Dundee, [202]; Ashington, [224]; Tyneside, [232] Balfour, Mr. A. J., at Manchester, [9]; at the Primrose League meeting, [94], 22; at the National Union of Conser- vative Associations, [135]; Dundee, 1951; Edinburgh, [201]; Dewsbury, '229'. Birrell, Mr., at Manchester, 231'. Bryce, Mr., at Aberdeen, [223], [225] Campbill-Bannerman, Sir H., at the National Liberal Federation, [70M72]; National Liberal Club, [76]; Ilford, [1361; at the City Liberal Club, [138]; at Alaidstone, [198], 61; Manchester, '2231; Birmingham, [224]; Aberdeen, 232], 74. Chamberlain, Mr., at Wolverhampton, [5]; Birmingham, [109], [137]; his policy on the Trans- vaal question, [177]-[180], [182]-[184];



his despatch, [1891; at Highbury,

[181]; on Dr. Keiths charges, [197];

at Leicester, [226], [228], 71 . Clarke,

Sir E., at Plymouth, [3], [1981.

Courtney, Mr. L., at Liskeard, [81];

Manchester, [191], 56 Devonshire, Duke of, at Birmingham,

[8]; the Liberal Unionist Council,

[73]; New Mills [196]; York, 280.

Dilke, SirC, at Newent, [3] Elgin, Lord, at a dinner given fey the

Northbrook Society, [1071 Fowler, Sir H., at Wolverhampton,

[81] Goschbn, Mr., at the South African

dinner, [104]. Grey, Sir E., at the

Liverpool Reform Club, [7]; Oxford,

[36]; Reading. [54]; Glasgow, [2201 Harcourt, Sir W., at the dinner of tiie

Welsh parliamentary party, [1061;

Nantyglo, [111]; ~ * ^~*

Hicks-Beach, Sir

on finance, [138] Kimberley, Lord, at the Wymondham

Liberal Association, [8]; Newcastle „

[223]; Birmingham, 26 Lansdowne, Lord, at Sheffield, [221].

Loch, Lord, on the Transvaal question „

[187] Morley, Mr. J., at Brechin, [4], 4;

Montrose, [6]; Lydney, [1101; Ar- broath, [186]; Manchester [190], 56;

Carnarvon, 61 Rosebery, Lord, at the City Liberal

at the dinner oi me tary party, [106];

Tredegar, \}9Z].

M.,at Bristol, [5J;

Club, [105], 25; at a dinner given by Northbrook Society, [107]; at Bath, [2201; Edinburgh, [221], [227]

Salisbury, Lord, at a Primrose League banquet, [106]; at the Mansion House. [222], 68. Spencer, Lord, at Trow- bridge, [111]

POLYNESIA.— Hawaii, Mauna-Loa vol- cano, irruption, [416]; earthquake, [416]. Samoa, civil war in, [415], 1. 16, 20, 24; agreement between the Powers, [416], 67, Tl; Malietoa Tanu, crowned King, 17; abdicates, 33; Mataafa declared King, 74; Osborn, Mr., nominated acting chief justice, 43. Tonga, H.M.S. Tauranga at, [416]

Pope, The, receives the Duke and Duchess of Connaught, 6; his operation, 13; takes part in the Coronation Mass at St Peter's, 22

PORTUGAL.— Army Reorganisation Bill, Cortbs, assembled, [336].

bbt, external, [336]. Delagoa ar- bitration, [337]. Oporto, outbreak of bubonic plague , [837]. Pestana , Dr. , death, 68

Powell v. Kempton Park Racecourse Committee, decision in the case of, 15.

Press, controversy on the close of the century, 76

Primrose League meeting, [94], 22

Queen Victoria, reaches Cimiez, 16; leaves for England, 25; arrives in London, 27; lays the foundation-stone of the Victoria and Albert Museum, [107], 28; celebration of her eightieth