Page:The Annual Register 1899.djvu/663

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TURKEY , Sultan of, plot to assassinate, 6 ; grant to the Deutsche Bank, 72

UNITED STATES.— Alaska boundary question, [30], [890], 34, 65 ; Yakutat Bay, tidal wave, 54. Alger, Mr., attempt to supersede Gen. Miles, 26; resignation, [3871. 43. Army, Reor- ganisation Bill, [386]. Bunker's Hill, monument in memory of the British troops, [390], 67. Coghlan, Capt., on the blockade of Manilla, 23. Con- gress, first session, [391] ; closed, 14. Cuba, transferred, [396], 1. Currency Bill, [3931 Democrats, mass meeting in New York, 54. Dewey, Adm., his

reception, [389], 59. Eagan, Com. ., suspended, [387], i], 67. Estimates, 72. Filippinos,

Gen., suspended, [387], 6. Elections,

war with, [388], 3, 5, 8, 9, 11, 15, 18, 19, 27, 35, 37, 49, 51, 59. Gold standard, [3891 Great Britain, re- lations with , [390]. Harper Brothers, Messrs., publishing firm, assigned to Messrs. Morgan, 71. Hobart, Vice- Pres., his death, [390]. Immigrants, number of, [3921 Miles, Gen., cen- sured, [3871 26. Military court of inquiry, [387], 10, 26. M'Kinley. Pres., his Cabinet, [391] ; annual message, [391], 72. Navy, [8931 Negroes, increase of lynching, [887]. New York, rioting, [388]. Otis, Gen., protest against the press-cen- sorship exercised by, 43. Phila- delphia, Quay, ex-Senator, verdict, 23 ; appointed Senator, 23. Reed, Mr., resignation, 23. Revenue, [392]. Root, Mr. E. , appointed Secretary for War, [387], 44. Senate, on governing the Philippine Islands, 10. Spain, treaty of peace ratified, [388], 8, 9. Trade, r3921 Treaties, reciprocity, sicned, [390]. Washington, peace, celebration of, 29. Windsor Hotel, burnt, [387].

Vaughan, Sir J., retires from the bench, 43

VICTORIA.— Ambrose, Mabel, murder of, J408]. Best, Mr., on tariff policy, [409]. Commonwealth Bill, 46, 49.

VICTORIA, amtinurd.

Federal Bill, [408]. Geblong Wool Mills, [410]. Maclean, Mr., on the Ministerial policy, [409J. Melbourne, af officers , [41( try defeated, [409], 72; the new.

conference of naval officers at, [409]! Michie, Sir A., death, [410]. Minis-

[4091 Population, [410]. Revenue, [408]. Service, Mr. J., death, [4101 Volunteers for South Africa, [408j. Woman's Suffrage Bill, [409], 56. Volunteers, Metropolitan, reviewed, 40.

Wales, Prince of, reviews Metropolitan Volunteers, 40; at the University Sports, 44; presents new colours to the Gordon Highlanders, 57.

Princess of, her donation to the

British Red Cross Society, 66

War in South Africa, see Africa, South

War Office, mobilisation of a field force, 61

Webb, Mr. S.. his paper on "Technical Education/ ' [79]

Wbllman Arctic expedition at Tromio, 51

WEST INDIES. — Bahamas, Revenue, [397]; trade, [397]. Barbados, sugar industry, [39/]. Bermuda, cyclone, '3971; Population, [397]; Revenue, T97J. Cuba, transferred to the nited States, [396], 1; Assembly, votes of , [397] ; census, [897]. Hayti, [397]. Jamaica, Barbour, Sir D., his report, [398]; revenue, [8981 Porto Rico, under the military rule of the United States, [398J. San Domingo, Figuereo, Gen., resignation, [398], 53; flenreaux, Pres., assassi- nated, [398], 46; insurrection, [398], 47; Jiminez, SeHor, proclaimed Pre- sident, [398]. Trinidad, Revenue, [399]; trade, [399]; treaty, recipro- city, with the United States, refected, [899]; Volunteer Artillery Corps dis- banded, [398], 53

Yermak, the ice-breaker at St. Petersburg,

22 York, Duke and Duchess of, in Wales, 23.

Duchess of, opens the new pier at

Tenby, 26.

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