Page:The Annual Register 1899.djvu/678

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Mental, Moral, and Political Philosophy.


Abbott. — The Elements of Logic. By T. K. Abbott, B.D. i2mo., 3$.


The Ethics: Greek Text, Illustrated with Essay and Notes. By Sir Alexan- der Grant, Bart. 2 vols. 8vo., 325.

An Introduction to Aristotle's Ethics, Books I.-IV. (BookX. in an Appendix). With a continuous Analysis and Notes. By the Rev. E. Moore, D.D. Crown 8vo. 10*. 6d.

Bacon (Francis). Complete Works. Edited by R. L. Ellis, James Spedding and D. D. Heath. 7 vols. 8vo., £3 13s. 6d.

Letters and Life, including all his occasional Works. Edited by James Spedoino. 7 vols. 8vo., £4 4$.

The Ess a ys : with Annotation s. By Richard Whately, D.D. 8vo., 10s. 6d.

The Essays: with Notes. By F. Storr and C. H. Gibson. Cr. 8vo, 3s. 6rf.

The Essays: with Introduction, Notes, and Index. By E. A. Abbott, D.D. 2 Vols. Fcp.8vo.,6s. The Text and Index only, without Introduction and Notes, in One Volume. Fcp. 8vo., 2s. 6d.

Bain (Alexander). Mental Science. Cr. 8vo., 65. 6d. Moral Science. Cr. 8vo., 4s. 6d.

The two works as above can be had in one volume, price 10s. 6d.

Senses and the/ntellect. 8vo.,i 5s. Emotions and the Will. 8vo., 155. Logic, Deductive and Inductive.

Part I. 45. Part II. 6s. 6d. Pra ctica l Ess a ys. C r. 8 vo. , 25 .

Bray. — The Philosophy of Neces- sity: or, Law in Mind as in Matter. By Charles Bray. Crown 8vo. f 5s.

Crozier (John Beattie). Civilisa tion and Progress : being the Outlines of a New System of Political, Religious and Social Philosophy. 8vo.,i4$.

History of Intellectual De- velopment: on the Lines of Modern Evolution.

Vol. I. Greek and Hindoo Thought ; Graeco- Roman Paganism ; Judaism ; and Christi- anity down to the Closing of the Schools of Athens by Justinian, 529 a.d. 8vo., 14$.

Davidson. — The Logic of Defini- tion, Explained and Applied. By William L. Davidson, M.A. Crown 8vo., 6s.

Green (Thomas Hill). — The Works of. Edited by R. L. Nettleship.

Vols. I. and II. Philosophical Works. 8vo., i6j. each.

Vol. III. Miscellanies. With Index to the three Volumes, and Memoir. 8vo., 215.

Lectures on the Principles of Political Obugation. With Preface by Bernard Bosanquet. 8vo., 55.

Hodgson (Shadworth H.) Time and Space: A Metaphysical

Essay. 8vo., 165. The Theory of Practice: an

Ethical Inquiry. 2 vols. 8vo., 24s. The Philosophy of Reflection.

2 vols. 8vO., 215.

The Metaphysic of Experience. Book I. General Analysis of Experience ; Book II. Positive Science; Book III. Analysis of Conscious Action ; Book IV. The Real Universe. 4 vols. 8vo., 36s. net.

Hume. — The Philosophical Works of David Hums. Edited by T. H. Green and T. H. Grose. 4 vols. 8vo., 285. Or separately, Essays. 2 vols. 14s. Treatise of Human Nature. 2 vols. 14$.

James.— The Will to Believe, and Other Essays in Popular Philosophy. By William James, M.D., LL.D., etc. Crown 8vo., 7s. 6d.

Justinian. — The Institutes of Justinian : Latin Text, chiefly that of Huschke, with English Introduction, Trans- lation, Notes, and Summary. By Thomas C. Sandars, M.A. 8vo., 185.

Kant (Immanuel).

Critique of Practical Reason, and Other Works on the Theory of Ethics. Translated by T. K. Abbott, B.D. With Memoir. 8vo., 125. 6d.

Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Ethics. Translated by T. K. Abbott, B.D. Crown avo, 3s.

Introduction to Logic, and his Essay on the Mistaken Subtilty of the Four Figures.. Translated by T. K. Abbott. 8vo., 6*.

K i 1 1 i c k. — Handbook to Mills System of Logic. By Rev. A. H. Killick, M.A. Crown 8vo., 35. 6d.