Page:The Annual Register 1899.djvu/687

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Fiction, Humour, &e. — continued.

Sewell (Elizabeth M.). A Glimpse of the World Amy Herbert. Laneton Parsonage. Cleve Hall.

Margaret Percival. Gertrude.

Katharine Ashton. Home Life.

The Earl's Daughter. After Life.

The Experience of Life. Ursula. Ivors. Cr. 8vo., 15. bd. each cloth plain. 25. bd. each cloth extra, gilt edges.

Somerville and ROSS.— Some Ex- periences of an Irish R.M. By E. CE. Somerville and Martin Ross. With 31 Illustrations by E. CR. Somerville. Crown 8vo., 65.

Stebbing. — Probable Tales. Edited by William Stebbino. Crown 8vo., 45. bd.

Stevenson (Robert Louis).

The Strange Case of Dr. Jkkyll and Mr. Hyde. Fcp. 8vo., is. sewed, is. bd. cloth.

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde; with other Fables. Crown 8vo., 35. bd.

More New Arabian Nights — The Dynamiter. By Robert Louis Steven- son and Fanny van de Grift Steven- son. Crown 8vo., 35. bd.

The Wrong Box. By Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne. Crown 8vo., 31. bd.

Suttner. — Lay Down Your Arms

(Die Waffen Nieder) : The Autobiography

of Martha von Tilling. By Bertha von

. Suttner. Translated by T. Holmes.

Cr. 8vo., 15. bd.

Taylor. — Early Italian Love- stories. Taken from the Originals by Una Taylor. With 13 Illustrations by Henry J. Ford. Crown 4to., 155. net.

Trollope (Anthony). The Warden. Cr. 8vo., 15. 6d. Barchester Towers. Cr.8vo.,is.6</.

Walford (L. B.).

The Intruders. Crown 8vo., 6s.

Leddy Marget. Crown 8vo., 25. 6d.

Iva Kildare : a Matrimonial Pro- blem. Crown 8vo., 65.

Mr. Smith: a Part of his Life. Crown 8vo., 25. 6d.

Walford (L. B.) — continued. The Baby's Grandmother. Cr.

8vo., 25. 6d.

Cousins. Crown 8vo., 25. 6d.

Troublesome Daughters. Cr. 8vo., 25. 6d.

Pauline. Crown 8vo., 2s. 6d.

Dick Netherby. Cr. 8vo., is. 6d.

The History of a Week. Cr.

8vo. 25. 6d.

A Stiff-necked Generation. Cr.

8vo. 25. 6d. Nan, and other Stories. Cr. 8vo.,

25. bd.

The Mischief of Monica. Cr. 8vo., 25. 6d.

The One Good Guest. Cr. 8vo. 25. bd.

'Ploughed? and other Stories. Crown 8vo., 25. bd.

The Ma tchma ker. Cr. 8vo. , 25. 6d .

Ward. — One Poor Scruple. By Mrs. Wilfrid Ward. Crown 8vo., 65.

Watson. — Racing and 'Chasing: a Collection of Sporting Stories. By Alfred E. T. Watson, Editor of the * Badminton Magazine '. With 16 Plates and 36 Illustra- tions in the Text. Crown 8vo., 75. bd.

Weyman (Stanley).

The House of the Wolf. With Frontispiece and Vignette. Crown 8vo., 3*. bd.

A Gentleman of France. With Frontispiece and Vignette. Cr. 8vo., 65.

The Red Cockade. With Frontis- piece and Vignette. Crown 8vo. f 65.

Shrewsbury. With 24 Illustra- tions by Claude A. Shepperson. Cr. 8vo., 65.