Page:The Annual Register 1899.djvu/695

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Miscellaneous and

Max Miiller (The Right Hon. R).

India : What can it Teach Us ? Crown 8vo., 55.

Chips from a German Workshop. Vol. I. Recent Essays and Addresses.

Crown 8vo M 5s. Vol. II. Biographical Essays. Crown

8vo., 55. Vol. III. Essays on Language and Litera- ture. Crown 8vo., 55. Vol. IV. Essays on Mythology and Folk Lore. Crown 8vo., 55.

Contributions to the Science of Mythology. 2 vols. 8vo., 32s. Milner. — Country Pleasures: the

Chronicle of a Year chiefly in a Garden.

By George Milner. Crown 8vo., 35. bd. Morris (William).

Signs of Change. Seven Lectures delivered on various Occasions. Post 8vo., 45. 6d.

Hopes and Fears for Art. Five Lectures delivered in Birmingham, Lon- don, etc., in 1878-1881. Cr 8vo., 45. 6d.

An Address delivered at the Distribution of Prizes to Students of the Birmingham Municipal School of Art on 2 ist February, 1894. 8vo., 25. 6d. net.

Art and the Beauty of the Earth: a Lecture delivered at Burslem Town Hall, on October 13, 1881. 8vo., 25. 6d. net.

Some Hints on Pattern-Design- ing : a Lecture delivered at the Working Men's College, London, on 10th Decem- ber, 1881. 8vo., 25. 6d. net.

Arts and Crafts Essays. By Members of the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society. With a Preface by William Morris. Crown 8vo., 25. 6d. net.

Orchard. — The Astronomy of Milton's * Paradise Lost\ By Thomas N. Orchard, M.D., Member of the British Astronomical Association. With 13 Illus- trations. 8vo., 65. net.

Pollock.— -Jane Austen: her Con- temporaries and Herself. An Essay in Criticism. By Walter Herries Pollock. Crown 8vo., 35. 6d. net.

Poore (George Vivian), M.D., F.R.C.P.

Essays on Rural Hygiene. With

13 Illustrations. Crown 8vo., 65. 6d. The Dwelling House. With 36

Illustrations. Crown 8vo., 35. 6d.

Richmond. — Boyhood : a Plea for Continuity in Education. By Ennis Rich- mond. Crown 8vo., 25. 6d.

Critical Works — continued.

Richter. — Lectures on the Na- tional Gallery. By J. P. Richter. With 20 Plates and 7 Illustrations in the Text. Crown 4to., 95.

Rossetti. — A Shadow of Dante: being an Essay towards studying Himself, his World and his Pilgrimage. By Maria Francesca Rossetti. With Frontispiece by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Crown 8vo., 35. 6d.

Soulsby (Lucy H. M.). Stray Thoughts on Reading.

Small 8vo., 25. 6d. net. Str a y Thoughts for Girls: i6mo.,

15. 6d. net. Str a y Thoughts for Mothers and

Teachers. Fcp. 8vo., 25. 6d. net. Stray Thoughts for Invalids.

i6mo., 25. net.

Southey. — The Correspondence of Robert Southey with C aroline Bowles. Edited, with an Introduction, by Edward Dowden, LL.D. 8vo., 145.

Stevens. — On the Stowage of Ships and their Cargoes. With Information re- garding Freights, Charter- Parties, etc. By Robert White Stevens, Associate- Mem- ber of the Institute of Naval Architects. 8vo., 215.

Turner and Sutherland. — The De- velopment of Australian Literature. By Henry Gyles Turner and Alexander Sutherland. With Portraits and Illustra- tions. Crown 8vo., 55.

Van Dyke. — A Text-Book on the History of Palming. By John C. Van Dyke, Professor of the History of Art in Rutgers College, U.S. With no Illustra- tions. Crown 8vo, 65.

Warwick. — Progress in Women's Educa tion in the British Empire : being the Report of Conferences and a Congress held in connection with the Educational Section, Victorian Era Exhibition. Edited by the Countess of Warwick. Cr. 8vo. 65.

White. — An Examination of the Charge of Apostacy against Words- worth. By W. Hale White, Editor of the * Description of the Wordsworth and Coleridge MSS. in the Possession of Mr. T. Norton Longman '. Crown 8vo., 35. 6d.

Willard. — History of Modern Italian Art. By Ashton Rollins Willard. With Photogravure Frontis- piece and 28 Full-page Illustrations. 8vo., 185. net.