Page:The Army and Navy Hymnal.djvu/121

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104 Immortal Love, Forever Full
John G. Whittier, 1866 Arranged from William V. Wallace, 1814-1865

  1. Immortal Love, forever full,
    Forever flowing free,
    Forever shared,for ever whole,
    A never-ebbing sea !
  2. We may not climb the heavenly steeps
    To bring the Lord Christ down;
    In vain we search the low est deeps,
    For him no depths can drown.
  3. But warm, sweet, tender, even yet
    A present help is he ;
    And faith has still its Olivet,
    And love its Galilee.
  4. The healing of his seamless dress
    Is by our beds of pain ;
    We touch him in life's throng and press,
    And we are whole again.
  5. O Lord, and Master of us all,
    Whate'er our name or sign,
    We own thy sway, we hear thy call,
    We test our lives by thine. Amen.

105 We Bear the Strain of Earthly Care

  1. We bear the strain of earthly care,
    But bear it not alone ;
    Beside us walks our brother Christ
    And makes our task his own.
  2. Through din of market, whirl of wheels,
    And thrust of driving trade,
    We follow where the Master leads,
    Serene and unafraid.
  3. The common hopes that make us men
    Were his in Galilee ;
    The tasks he gives are those he gave
    Beside the restless sea.
  4. Our brotherhood still rests in him,
    The Brother of us all,
    And o'er the centuries still we hear
    The Master's winsome call.
    Ozora Stearns Davis, 1909