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Page:The Army and Navy Hymnal.djvu/156

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In Loving Adoration 144
(PENFIELD. 7,6,7,6,D.)
Thornton B. Penfield Jason Noble Pierce
  1. In loving adoration
    We come to worship thee,
    Thou Author of Salvation,
    So wonderul, so free ;
    Oh, teach us how to praise thee,
    As we be fore thee stand,
    And hear us as we pray thee,
    To bless our own dear land.
  2. For millions still in darkness
    With in this land of light,
    For men who've wandered blindly
    From God and home and right
    And those who ne'er have seen thee,
    Thou God of love and might,
    We ear nestly be seech thee
    May they receive their sight.
  3. Be thou our strong defender,
    Our confidence a lone,
    Be thou our country's ruler,
    Our nation's corner stone ;
    And thus led by thy Spirit,
    And heeding thy blest Word,
    From ocean unto ocean
    All men shall call thee Lord. Amen

Copyright, 1008, by The International Committee of Young Men's Christian Association. Used by permission