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233 | The Fight Is On | ||||
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- The fight is on, the trum - pet sound is ring - ing out,
The cry 'To arms!' is heard a far and near;
The Lord of hosts is march-ing on to vic - to - ry,
The tri-umph of the Christ will soon ap-pear.
The fight is on, O Chris-tian sol-dier,
And face to face in stern ar - ray,
With ar - mor gleam -ing, and col - ors streaming.
The right andon, but be not wea - ry;
Be strong, and in his might hold fast;
If God be for us, his ban-ner o'er us,
We'll sing the vie- tor's song at last. - The fight is on, a - rouse, ye sol - diers brave and true!
Je - ho - vah leads, and vic - tory will an-swer;
Go, buck - le on the ar - mor God has giv - en you,
And in His strength un - to the end en-dure. is nigh.
Chorus - The Lord is lead - ing on to cer tain vie to ry;
The bow of prom - ise spans the east ern sky ;
His glo - rious name in ev - ery land shall hon-ored be ;
The moon will break, the dawn of peace
Copyright, 1905, by Wm. J. Kirkpatrick. Used by permission