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Page:The Army and Navy Hymnal.djvu/356

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Come, O Divine Messiah 1
  Adapted from CABRISSEAU

  \new ChoirStaff <<
    \time 6/8
    \partial 8
    \new Staff <<
      \key g \major
      \new Voice = "soprano" {
        \voiceOne \slurUp
        \relative c' {
          \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #1
          \override Score.RehearsalMark #'break-visibility = ##(#t #t #f)
          \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = ##(#f #f #f)
^\markup { \larger \smallCaps "Chorus" }
g4 a8 b4 b8 |
c4.( b8) \oneVoice r8 \voiceOne a8 |
g4 fis8 \oneVoice r4. |
r4. r4 \bar "||"
r8 |
R2. |
R2. |
R2. |
R2. \bar "." |
          \mark \markup { \smaller \italic \smallCaps "Fine" }
^\markup { \larger \smallCaps "Soli" }
a8[ g] fis |
R2. |
R2. |
R2. |
r4. \bar ""
r4. |
R2. |
R2. |
r4. r4
          \bar "|."
          \mark \markup { \smaller \italic \smallCaps "D.C." }
      \new Voice = "alto" {
        \voiceTwo \slurDown
        \relative c' {
d8 |
d4 d8 g4 g8 |
g4.( g8) s8 fis8 |
e4 d8
    \new Lyrics {
      \lyricmode {
        \set stanza = #"1."
          Come,8      O4    Di8   --  vine4 Mes8  --  si4. -- ah;8 \skip8
              O8 haste,4 we're8 wea8 -- ry8 wait4 -- ing8   thee;8 \skip8
             On8  earth4    we8     naught4   de4     --     sire4 \skip8
               Save4      the,4      sweet4  One4        in4      Three.4
    \new Lyrics {
      \lyricmode {
        \set stanza = #"2."
Wilt8 leave4 thy8 Fa4 -- ther's8 home,2 \skip8
For8 us4 who8
    \new Lyrics {
      \lyricmode {
        \set stanza = #"3."
Think8 not4 up8 -- on4 our8 base4. -- ness,8 \skip8
Take8 venge4 -- ance8
    \new Staff <<
      \clef "bass"
      \key g \major
      \new Voice = "tenor" {
        \voiceOne \slurUp
        \relative c {
d8 |
b'4 c8 d4 d8 |
e4.( d8) \oneVoice r8 \voiceOne c8 |
b4 a8 \oneVoice r4. |
r4. r4

r8 |
R2. |
R2. |
R2. |
R2. |

R2. |
R2. |
R2. |
R2. |

r4. |
R2. |
R2. |
r4. r4
      \new Voice = "bass" {
        \voiceTwo \slurDown
        \relative c {
d8 |
g4 g8 g4 g8 |
g4.( g8) s8 d8 |
e4 fis8
  1. Come, O Di-vine Mes-si-ah; O haste, we're wea-ry wait-ing thee; On earth we naught de-sire/ Save thee, sweet One in Three.
          O quick de-scend, bid time take wings; Else our poor hearts no peace will know, But fierc-er with im-pa-tience glow.
  2. Wilt leave thy Fa-ther's home, For us who lan-guish here with love; And 'neath our fet-ters groan/ A-wait-ing aid from a-bove. O come!
          O come! bid time take wings; We'll deck our hearts with bril-liants rare, And wel-come meet for thee pre-pare.
  3. Think not up-on our base-ness, Take venge-ance not up-on our crimes; But with us yet have pa-tience; Make us all thine in time.
          For art not thou, our Lord and God? To whom should we for ref-uge flee/ If not, O Lord, our God, to thee?

Copyright, 1913, by P. J. Kennedy & Sons. Used by permission