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Page:The Army and Navy Hymnal.djvu/366

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He comes to me

O Day of Happiness Undying 11
I. Williams Rev. Fr. Ligonnet
  1. Let hosts of heaven at - tend and heart - felt prais - es sing;
    Let earth and sky re - joice this hap - py, ha p - py day;
    My God dwells in my heart, my Sav iour and my King;
    His love so dear, so sweet, he now to me doth
    bring, To be mine own for aye, to be mine own for aye.
    O Day of hap-i-ness undying
    Of sweet de-light and ectasy;
    My God on wings of mer-cy fly-ing,
    Deigns to come and dwell with me
    My God on wings of mer-cy fly-ing,
    Deigns to come and dwell with me
  2. He loves me with a love no mor - tal heart can show,
    A love so vast and deep, so true and wonder-ful,
    That e'en the saints in heaven its depths can nev-er know ;
    Sweet peace and heaven- ly joy and sav - ing grac -es flow
    From love so mer-ci-ful, from love so mer-ci-ful.
    O Day of hap-i-ness undying &c.
  3. 0! Je - sus, dear est Lord, my heart e'er pines and sighs,
    To lean, like John of old up - on thy sa-cred Breast;
    The prom-ise sweet, 0! Lord, to read in thy dear Eyes,
    That one day I shall fly to thee in Par - a-dise,
    In thy loved Heart to rest, in thy loved Heart to rest.
    O Day of hap-i-ness undying, &c.

Copyright, 1913, by P. J. Kennedy & Sons. Used by permission