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Page:The Army and Navy Hymnal.djvu/46

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\version "2.16.2" 
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "Come, We Who Love the Lord" "          " "17" } subsubtitle = "(ST. THOMAS. S.M.)" composer = "Aaron Williams, 1762" poet = "Isaac Watts, 1709" }
\score { << << \new Staff { \key g \major \time 4/4 \partial 4 \relative d' {
  <d b>4 | <g d> q <b d,> <a d,>8 <g cis,> |
  <a d,>2. << { b8 c } \\ { d,4 } >> |
  <g d'>4 <c fis,>8 <b g> << { c4 } \\ { e,8[ fis] } >> <b g>4 |
  <a fis>2. \bar "||" \break %end of first line
  <d d,>4 | <b d,> <g d> <a d,> << { d, } \\ { d } >> |
  <g d> <b g> <d fis,> <d g,> |
  <e g,> << { d8 c } \\ { g4 } >> <b g>4 <a fis> | <g d>2. s4 \bar "|."
  <g e>2 <g d> \bar ".." } }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key g \major \relative g, {
  <g g'>4 | <b g'> <g b'> << { g' a } \\ { g fis8 e } >> |
  <fis d>2. << { d'4 } \\ { g,8 a } >> |
  <b d>4 << { d } \\ { a8 g } >> <a c>4 <g d'> | <d d'>2. %end of 1st
  <fis a>4 | << { g } \\ { g } >> <g b,> <fis d> <fis a> |
  <g b> <e g> <d a'> <g b> |
  <c, c'> <b d'>8 <c e'> <d d'>4 <d c'> |
  <g, b'>2. s4 <c c'>2 <g b'> } } >> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 112 } }

  1. Come, we who love the Lord,
    And let our joys be known;
    Join in a song of sweet acccord,
    And thus surrond the throne.
  2. Let those refuse to sing
    Who never knew our god;
    But children of the heav'nly King
    Should speak thier joys abroad
  3. The men of grace have found
    Glory begun below;
    Celestial fruits on earthly ground
    From faith and hope may grow.
  4. The hill of Zion yields
    A thousand sacred sweets
    Before we reach the heav'nly fields,
    Or walk the golden streets.
  5. Then let our songs abound
    And every tear be dry;
    We're marching thro' Emanuael's ground
    To fairer worlds on high.

\version "2.16.2" 
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "From All That Dwell Below the Skies" "          " "18" } subsubtitle = "(OLD HUNDRETH. L.M.)" composer = "Louis Bourgeois, 1551" poet = "Isaac Watts, 1719" }
\score { << << \new Staff { \key g \major \set Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ" \time 4/4 \partial 4 \relative g' {
  <g d>4 | q <fis d> <e b> <d b> |
  <g b,> <a d,> <b d,>\fermata q |
  q q <a d,> <g b,> | <c e,> <b d,> <a d,>\fermata \bar "||" \break
  <g d> | <a d,> <b d,> <a d,> <g d> |
  <e c> <fis c> <g b,>\fermata <g d'> |
  <b d,> <g e> <a fis> << { c } \\ { e,8[ fis] } >> |
  <b g>4 <a fis> << { g\fermata } \\ { g } >> s \bar "|."
  <g e>2 <g d> \bar ".." } }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key g \major \set Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ" \relative g {
  <g b>4 | q <d a'> <e g> <b fis'> |
  <e g> <d fis> <g, g'>\fermata << { g' } \\ { g } >> |
  <g b> << { g } \\ { g } >> <d fis> <e g> |
  <c g'> <g g'>\fermata <d' fis> % end of first line
  <g b> | <fis a> << { g fis } \\ { g d8[ c] } >> <b g'>4 |
  <c g'> <a b'> <g d'>\fermata <g' b> |
  << { g } \\ { g } >> <e b'> <d d'> <a c'> |
  << { d' d8[ c] } \\ { b,8[ c] d4 } >> <g, b'>\fermata s
  <c c'>2 <g b'> } } >> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 76 } }
  1. From all that dwell below the skies,
    Let the Creators praise arise;
    Let the Redeemer's name be sung
    Thro' every Land, by every tongue.
  2. Eternal are thy mercies, Lord;
    Eternal truth attend thy word:
    Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore
    Till sound shall rise and set no more.
    A -men