- The Lord is my Shep-herd; no want shall I Know.
I feed in green pastures, safe folded I rest
He leadeth my soul where the still waters flow,
Re-stores me when wand-'ring, re-deems when op-prest,
Re-stores me when wand-'ring, re-deems when op-prest. - Thro' val-ley and shad-ow of death though I stray
Since thou art my Guar-dian, no e-vil I fear;
Thy rod shall de-fend me, thy staff be my stay;
No harm can be-fall me, my Com-fort-er near,
No harm can be-fall me, my Com-fort-er near. - Let good-ness and mer-cy, my boun-ti-ful God,
Still follow my steps till I meet thee a-bove;
I seek by the path which my fore-fa-thers trod,
Thro' lands of thier so-journ, thy king-dom of love,
Thro' lands of thier so-journ, thy king-dom of love.