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Page:The Army and Navy Hymnal.djvu/53

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\version "2.16.2" 
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "26" "          " "Be Not Dismayed Whate'er Betide" } subsubtitle = "(GOD WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU. 8,6,8,6. With Refrain)" composer = "W. S. Martin" poet = "C. D. Martin" }
\score { << << \new Staff { \key bes \major \time 6/8 \relative d' { \autoBeamOff
  <d bes>8 <ees c> <e cis> << { f[ bes] } \\ { d,4 } >> <ees c'>8 |
  <f d'>4 <ees c'>8 <d bes'>4. |
  <f ees>8 <a ees> <g ees> <ees c>4 <g ees>8 |
  <f d>4.( <d bes>) | \break % end of first line
  <d bes>8 <ees c> <e cis> << { f[ bes] } \\ { d,4 } >> <ees c'>8 |
  <f d'>4 <ees c'>8 <d bes'>4. |
  <f ees>8 <a ees> <g ees> <f ees>4 <ees c'>8 |
  <d bes'>4. ~ q \bar "." \break % end of second line
  <g bes>4.^\markup { \caps Refrain } <a f>4 <g ees>8 |
  q4 <f d>8 q4. |
  q8 <a f> <g ees> <ees c>4. |
  q8 <g ees> <f d> <d bes>4. | \break % end of third line
  <f d>4. <bes f>4 q8 |
  << { c[ bes] } \\ { g4 } >> <c g>8 <d fis,>4.\fermata |
  <c g>8^\markup { \italic "ad lib." } <bes g> <g ees>
    << { f[ bes]\fermata } \\ { d,4 } >> <a' c,>8 |
  << { bes4. ~ bes } \\ { d,8[ bes] ees d4. } >> \bar "|."
  <ees bes'>2. <d bes'> \bar ".." } }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key bes \major \relative b, { \autoBeamOff
  <bes f'>8 q q << { bes'[ f] } \\ { bes,4 } >> <f' a>8 |
  << { bes4 } \\ { bes } >> <f a>8 <f bes,>4. |
  <f a>8 <f c'> <f bes> <f a>4 q8 |
  <bes bes,>4.( _~ <f bes,>) | % end of first line
  q8 q q << { bes[ f] } \\ { bes,4 } >> <f' a>8 |
  << { bes4 } \\ { bes } >> <f a>8 <f bes,>4. |
  <f a>8 <f c'> <f bes> <f a>4 q8 |
  <bes bes,>4. ~ q | % end of second line
  <bes ees,>4. q4 q8 |
  <bes bes,>4 q8 q4. |
  << { \autoBeamOff f8 f f } \\ { \autoBeamOff f f f } >> <f a>4. |
  q8 q << { f } \\ { f } >> <f bes,>4. | % end of third line
  <bes bes,> <bes d,>4 q8 |
  <g ees>4 q8 <d a'>4.\fermata
  <ees g>8 <ees bes'> q << { f4\fermata f8 | f[ d] g f4. } \\
                           { f4 f8 | bes,4. ~ bes } >>
  <ees g>2. | <bes f'> } } >> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 112 } }

  1. Be not dismayed whater'r betide, God will take care of you;
    Be-neath his wings of love a-bide, God will take care of you;
    God will take care of you, Through e-very day, O'er all the way,
    He will take care of you, God will take care of you.
  2. Thro' days of toil when heart doth fail, God will take care of you;
    When dangers fierce upon your path assail, God will take care of you.
    God will take care of you, &c.
  3. All you may need he will provide, God will take care of you;
    Nothing you ask will be deined, God will take care of you.
    God will take care of you, &c.
  4. No matter what may be the test, God will take care of you;
    Lean, weary one upon his breast, God will take care of you.
    God will take care of you, &c.

Copyright, 1905, by John A, Davis, and dedicated to Mrs. John A. Davis