- Ho-ly Spir-it, faith-ful Guide,
Ev-er near the Christian's side;
Gen-tly lead use by the hand,
Pil-grims in a des-ert land;
Wea-ry souls for-e'er re-joice,
While they hear the sweet-est voice,
Whispering soft-ly,
'Wanderer come; Fol-low Me, I'll Guide thee home.' - Ev-er pres-ent, tru-est Friend,
Ev-er near thine aid to lend;
Leave us not to doubt and fear,
Grop-ing on in dark-ness drear;
When the storms are rag-ing sore,
Hearts grow faint, and hopes give o'er
Whispering soft-ly,
'Wanderer come; Fol-low Me, I'll Guide thee home.' - When our days of toil shall cease,
Wait-ing still for sweet re-lease,
Noth-ing left but heaven and prayer,
Won-d'ring if our name are there;
Wad-ing deep the dis-mal flood,
Plead-ing nought but Je-sus' blood,
Whispering soft-ly,
'Wanderer come; Fol-low Me, I'll Guide thee home.'