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Page:The Army and Navy Hymnal.djvu/74

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\version "2.16.2" 
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "Sleep, My Little Jesus" "          " "49" } subsubtitle = "(LULLABY. 6,5,6,5,6,5,6,6. With Refrain)" composer = "Adam Geibel" poet = "William C. Gannett, 1840–" }
\score { << << \new Staff { \key f \major \time 6/8 \relative a' {
%deliberate choice to set all notes in the same type size
  <a c, a>4 q8 <a c, bes>4 <g c, bes>8 |
  <g c, a>4. <f c a> |
  <c' a c,>4 q8 q4 <bes g c,>8 |
  <a f c>4. ~ q |
  <d fis, d>4 q8 q4 <c f, d>8 | % end of line 1
  <c g d>4. <bes g d> |
  <a f b,>4 <g b,>8 <g f bes,>4 <d bes>8 |
  << { g4. ^~ g | a4 a8 g8.[ a16] bes8 | <a f>4. <c e,>4^( c,8) } \\
     { <e bes>4_\( <d bes>8 <c bes>4. | c4. e | s s4 c8 } >>
  << { a'4 a8 g8.[ a16] bes8 | <a f>4.( _~ <c f,>4) ~ q8 |
       f,4 f8 f8.[ a16] <c ees,>8 } \\
     { c,4. e | s s | ees4 ees8 ees4. } >> |
  <d d'>4. <g d>4 <a d,>8 | % end of line 3
  <c d,>4 <bes d,>8 <a e>4 <g e>8 |
  << { f4. \bar "." g8.[^\markup { \caps Refrain } a16] <bes e,>8 |
       <a f>4. g8.[ a16] <bes e,>8 } \\
     { f4. e4 s8 | s4. e4 s8 } >> |
  <c c'>4. <f ees> |
  <f d> <f des> |
  <a c,> ~ q \bar "|."
  <d, bes> <c a> \bar ".." } }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key f \major \relative f, {
  f4 c'8 e4 c8 | f,4 c'8 f4 c8 | c,4 c'8 <e bes'>4 c8 |
  f,4 c'8 <f a>4 c8 | d,4 d'8 <a' c>4 d,8 | %end of line 1
  g,4 d'8 <g bes>4 d8 | g,4 d'8 g4 d8 |
  <c c,>4 <c f>8 <c e>4. |
  <f, f'>4. << { bes'4( g8) } \\ { c,4. } >> |
  <f a>4. <c g'> | % end of line 2
  <f, f'> << { bes'4( g8) } \\ { c,4. } >> |
  <f a>4. ~ q4 ~ q8 |
  q4 q8 q4 <f f,>8 |
  <bes, f'>4. <bes g'>4 <a fis'>8 | % end of line 3
  <g g'>4 <bes g'>8 <c c'>4 <c bes'>8 |
  <f a>4. <c bes'>4 <c g'>8 |
  <f a>4. <c bes'>4 <c g'>8 |
  <a f'>4. <a c'> |
  <bes bes'> <bes g'> |
  <f a'> ~ q | <bes f'> <f f'> } } >> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 8 = 126 } }

  1. Sleep, my little Jesus,
    On thy Bed of hay,
    While the shepherds homeward
    Journey on their way.
    Mother is thy shepherd
    And will her vigil keep:
    Did the voices wake thee?
    O sleep my Jesus Sleep!
    Softly sleep, sweetly sleep,
    May Jesus sleep!
  2. Sleep, my little Jesus,
    While thou art my own!
    Ox and ass thy heighbours,
    Shalt thou have a throne?
    Will they call me blessed?
    Shall I stand and weep?
    Be it far Jehovah!
    O sleep my Jesus Sleep!
    Softly sleep, sweetly sleep,
    May Jesus sleep!
  3. Sleep, my little Jesus,
    Wonder baby mine!
    Well the singing angels
    Greet thee as divine.
    Through my heart as heaven
    Low the echoes sweep
    Of glory to Jehovah!
    O sleep my Jesus sleep!
    Softly sleep, sweetly sleep,
    May Jesus sleep!

Used by permission of The Adam Gelvel Music Co.