kept for polishing the board end papers when pasted down, which should be kept for this purpose only.
Polishing Iron.
A gold-rag, to wipe off the surplus gold from the back or side of a book. It should have a little oil well worked into it, so that when it has been wiped over the back or side the gold may adhere and remain in it. This rag when full of gold will be of a dirty yellow, and may then be melted down by any of the gold-refiners and the waste gold recovered.
India-rubber, cut up very small—the smaller the better—and steeped in turpentine, so as to render it as soft as possible, to be used for clearing away any gold not taken off by the gold-rag. This should also be melted down when full.[1]
Gold-cushion, for use as explained in Chapter XVII.
Gold leaf. The best should be used, it keeps its colour better, and is much more easy to work than the commoner metal usually sold.
Sponges, both large and small—the large ones for paste-washing, the smaller for glairing and sizing.
Glaire may be purchased already prepared, or it may be made from the white of egg, which must be very carefully beaten up to a froth with an egg whisk. In breaking the egg care must be taken not to let any of the yolk get amongst the white. A little vinegar should be mixed with the white before beating up, and a drop of ammonia, or a grain or two of common table salt, or a small piece of camphor, will in some measure prevent it from turning putrid,
- ↑ Messrs. Cow and Co., Cheapside, have lately prepared my rubber ready for use. I find it of great convenience.