putrefied, they aſcend up into the aire by way of vapour, and fume, and then deſcend by way of inſipid dew, or rain? Now what do all theſe ſignifie but that from water, are all things produced, and in it are diſſimilary parts?
2. The artificiall proceſſe is this: Take of what water you please, whether well-water, fountain, river, or rain-water, as much as you pleaſe, let it fettle three or four houres, untill the ſlime thereof ſeparates it ſelfe: then digeſt it the ſpace of a moneth; after which time evaporate the fourth part, by a very gentle heat, and caſt it away being but the flegme, then diſtill off the remainder of the water till the feces onely be left, which feces will be a ſlimie ſaltiſh ſubſtance: This middle ſubſtance diſtill againe as before, caſting away every time the fourth part, as flegme, and keeping the feces by themſelves for a further uſe; and this doe ſeven times. Note that after the fourth or fifth diſtillation the water will diſtill over like milke, colouring the head of your Still ſo that it can hardly be washed or ſcoured off. This pure water after the ſeventh diſtillation will leave no feces behind and if you digeſt it three moneths it will be coagulated into ſtones and Cryſtalls, which ſome magnifie very much for the cure of inward, and outward putrefactions, out of which alſo may be made a diſſolving Spirit. Note that as this water ſtands in digeſtion you may fee divers curious colours. Now as for the feces which I ſpake of (which indeed all waters even the ſweeteſt leave at the bottome) being as I ſaid a ſaltiſh ſlime, and in taſt as is were a Medium betwixt ſalt, and Nitre, take them and diſtill them in a Retort in fand, and there will firſt come forth a white fume, which being condenſed deſcendeth in a ſtraight. line to the bottome, next will come over a red Oil of great efficacy, exceeding the vertues of the Spirit of Salt or Nitre. For confirmation of part of this proceſſe, take May dew gathered in a morning (when it hath not rained the night before) and put it into a glaſſe veſſell, covered with a parchment pricked full of holes, and ſet in it[errata 1] the heat of the ſun for the space of foure moneths, and there will ſtore of
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