or five diſtillations, being indeed but the twentieth part of the Wine. This Spirit is not that inebriating ſubſtance of the Wine as moſt think, for a man may drink the Spirit that is extracted out of ten pints of Wine without diſtempering of his braine at all, when as perhaps he would be diſtempered with drinking a pint or two of the Wine.
Now this Spirit contains in it a ſubtle Armoniack, and eſſentiall Sulphur inſeparably conjoyned, which indeed are the life of the Spirit, and may be ſeparated from the Mercuriall or watery part thereof, which after ſeparation of them remaines inſipid, but yet of wonderfull ſubtility. They may be ſeparated thus: Firſt, rectifie the Spirit as high as you can the ordinary way: then rectifie it once or twice in theſe following veſſels.