put into a glaſſe, which muſt not be above halfe full; ſtop it cloſe and ſet it in horſe-dung as before for the ſpace of fifty dayes. If the heat be temperate, and not exceeding the naturall heat of a man, the matter will be turned into a ſpagyricall bloud, and fleſh, like an Embryo. This is the principall, and next matter, out of which is generated a two fold ſperme, viz. of the father and mother, generating the Homunculus, without which there can be made no generation, whether humane, or animall.
From the bloud, and fleſh of this Embryo let the water bee ſeparated in Balneo, and the aire in aſhes, and both be kept by themſelves. Then to the feces of the latter diſtillation let the water of the former diſtillation be added; both which muſt (the glaſſe being cloſe ſtopt) putrefie in Balneo, the ſpace of ten dayes, after this diſtill the water the ſecond time, (which is then the vehiculum of the fire) together with the fire, in aſhes, then diſtill off this water in a gentle Balneo, and in the bottome remains the fire which must be diſtilled in aſhes. Keep both theſe apart. And thus you have the four elements ſeparated from the Chaos of the Embryo.
The feculent earth is to be reverberated in a cloſe veſſell for the ſpace of four dayes: In the interim diſtill off the fourth part of the firſt diſtillation in Balneo, and caſt it away; the other three parts diſtill in aſhes, and pour it upon the reverberated earth, and diſtill it in a ſtrong fire; cohobate it four times, and ſo you shall have a very clear water, which you muſt keep by it ſelfe: Then pour the aire on the fame earth, and diſtill it in a ſtrong fire, and there wil come over a clear, ſplendid, odoriferous water, which must be kept a part: After this pour the fire upon the firſt water, and putrefie them together in Balneo the ſpace of three dayes, then put then into a Retort and diſtill them in fand, and there will come over a water tafting of the fire: let this water be diſtilled in Balneo, and what diſtills off, keep by it ſelfe, as alſo what remains in the bottome, which is the fire, keep by it ſelfe. This laſt diſtilled water pour againe upon its earth, and let them be macerated together in Balneo for the ſpace of three dayes, and then let all the water be diſtilled in fand, and let what will arife be ſeparated in Balneo, and the re-