This Homunculus or nutritive Medicament is of ſuch vertue that preſently after it is taken into the body it is turned into bloud, and ſpirits. If then diſeaſes prove mortall becauſe they deſtroy the Spirits, what mortall diſeaſe can withſtand ſuch a medicine, that doth ſo ſoon repaire, and ſo ſtrongly fortifie the ſpirits, as this Homunculus being as the Oil to the flame, into which it is immediately turned, thereby renewing the fame. By this Medicament therefore, as diſeaſes are overcome, and expelled, ſo alſo youth is renewed, and gray hairs prevented.
TAke of the Crummes of the beſt Wheaten-bread aſſoone as it comes forth out of the oven being very hot, as much as you pleaſe, put it into a glaſſe veſſell, which you muſt preſently Hermetically cloſe. Then ſet it in digeſtion in a temperate Balneo the ſpace of two moneths, and it will be turned into a fibrous fleſh.
If any Artiſt pleaſe to exalt it to a higher perfection according to the rules of Art, he may finde out, how great a nouriſher, and reſtorative Wheat is, and what an excellent medicine it may make.
Note that there must be no other moiſture put into the glaſſe beſides what is in the bread it ſelfe.
A Bird is reſtored to life thus, viz. Take a Bird, put it alive into a gourd glaſſe, and ſeal it up Hermetically, burne it to aſhes in the third degree of fire, then putrefie it in horſe-dung into a mucilaginous flegme, and ſo by a continued digeſtion